Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009

Smart playlists in Firefly

Nach meinem Plattencrash im uNSLUng-Server muss ich nun auch die Smart Playlists wiederherstellen. Aus der alten Datenbank (songs3.db) konnte ich noch folgendes extrahieren:

  • Noch nie gespielt: play_count = 0 AND (title not includes "christm" And album not includes "christm" and album not includes "Weihnacht" and title not includes "Weihnacht" and album not includes "Pionier")
  • Weihnachtslieder: album includes "Weihnacht" OR album includes "Christmas" OR title includes "Christmas" OR album includes "Weihnacht" OR genre includes "Christmas"
  • Jazzy Musik: (genre includes "jazz" OR album includes "jazz" OR title includes "jazz" OR genre includes "bossa" OR genre includes "blue") AND (album not includes "festas" AND title not includes "christm")
  • Noch nicht bewertet: (genre includes "jazz" OR album includes "jazz" OR title includes "jazz" OR genre includes "bossa" OR genre includes "blue") AND (album not includes "festas" AND title not includes "christm")
  • Lieblingsmusik: rating > 80
  • Kinderlieder: Gartist = "Gerhard Schöne" OR artist = "Babydream" OR genre = "Kinderlieder"

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